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Welcome To
Serenity Oaks Homestead, LLC

A family owned and operated homestead located in Parrish, Florida

Serenity Oaks Homestead is a 6 acre farm established in 2015 and is home to pasture raised flocks of Welsh Harlequin, Pekin, Muscovy and Indian Runner ducks as well as several guard geese.   Our water fowl are pasture raised and receive no medications, antibiotics or hormones, and live as naturally as possible so the eggs they lay and the ducklings they raise are of  superior quality.  We have ducklings as well as fertile duck eggs for hatching and duck eggs for eating/baking available.


You'll also find our large flock of  pasture raised chickens roaming free on the property as they spend their days searching for bugs and vegetation.  Our chickens are raised without the use of antibiotics, hormones or medications and provide our farm fresh eggs, fertile eggs for hatching and chicks we offer for sale. 


Niles, our rescued horse as well as three rescued miniature donkeys also call Serenity Oaks home.  One of the donkeys, Piper, is one of only 9 registered therapy donkeys in the US and is able to visit assisted living homes, schools and many other places  providing compassion and reassurance to those who need it most.

Our ever expanding herd of goats includes Nigerian Dwarfs, Lamanchas, Alpines and Nubians.  We also breed and raise Mini Lamanchas, Mini Alpines and a few Mini Nubians.  All of our goats can be found browsing for weeds and sunbathing upon their many climbing platforms while raising their kids and providing the milk for our raw milk sales as well as cheese, soap and other goat milk products.  Our goats are disease tested and we maintain a Florida Feed Master License (Z004323).  We never utilize any milk from goats who are receiving medication and our goats only receive the highest quality of hay, non-medicated grain and have access to pasture all day long.

Our Dexter cows, Clover and Emmy spend their day free ranging in our pasture eating grass and quality hay in between milkings.  When in milk, they receive alfalfa pellets, black oil sunflower seeds and a complete dairy feed when in the milking parlor.

We offer goat cuddles as well as educational classes and love to share our farm and animals with others!  Click on the book class link in the menu to reserve your class today and come meet our animals or stop by to pick up some farm fresh eggs, raw goat milk or goat milk soap.


For A Limited Time

Goat Cuddle Sessions

Thru May 31, 2025


Click Here For More Info & Booking




15802 Golf Course Road Parrish, FL 34219

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©2019 by Serenity Oaks Homestead, LLC

© Serenity Oaks Homestead, LLC
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